Determine the Page Type

You can create a Try step to identify the type of loaded page. Valid page types include HTML, XML, Excel, and Binary.

Test Page Type
  1. In the Designer, after a Load Page step, insert a Try step.
  2. On the branch, Insert an action step and select Test > Test Page Type.
  3. On the Action tab, Page Type field, select HTML.
  4. On the Basic tab, change the Step Name to Is HTML Page.
  5. Select the try step and click Add Branch.
  6. Repeat 2 through 5, with Page Type set to XML, and the Step Name to Is XML Page.
  7. Repeat 2 through 5, with Page Type set to Excel, and the Step Name to Is Excel Page.
  8. Repeat 2 through 4, with Page Type set to Binary, and the Step Name to Is Binary Page.

    Once the robot runs, the page type is highlighted.