Snippet Best Practices
Consider the following snippet best practices.
- Put the non-default robot configuration used to execute the steps inside the snippet, on the steps of the snippet. This way you do not need to remember to set them on each robot using the snippet.
- When inserting a snippet into a robot, take care that names of variables defined on the snippet do not conflict with variables defined on the robot. Design Studio cannot handle a situation where a variable defined on the snippet has the same name as a variable defined on the robot. It is a good practice to define variables on the snippet when they need to work in another context. This makes reuse of the snippet easier.
- In the snippet description, document the context in terms of named tags and/or windows required by the snippet.
- Use caution when including snippets inside snippets. A snippet may contain snippet steps referencing other snippets. However, a snippet cannot contain a circular reference (such as a cyclic reference where the snippet contains itself). If a snippet contains a circular reference, Design Studio reports an error.