
Use the toolbar buttons to quickly access options that are available on the menus.

Depending on the version of Kofax RPA, the robot type, and which editor is active, the active toolbar buttons and their Tooltips vary. See also Design Studio User Interface.

The buttons on the toolbar correlate to the robot type.

Robot toolbar

Robot toolbar




Open Project

Opens a project.

Save All

Saves all files modified in Design Studio.

Refresh All icon

Refresh All

Updates the My Projects view by refreshing all modified items in a project.

Configure Robot

Configure Robot

Opens the Robot Configuration window.

Undo previous change.


Removes the last change.

Repeats the reverted change


Repeats the last action. Also reverses an Undo action.

Copy button


Copies selected content to the clipboard.

Cut button


Cuts selected content.

Paste button


Pastes the content of the clipboard into the selected location.

Delete button


Deletes selected content.

Prepare Execution

Prepares the selected robot to take the execution privilege. Use this button to execute a robot and enable full editing options in the robot. See Prepare Execution.

Reset the current execution workflow


Resets the internal state.

When robots are run in standalone mode, resets the internal state and devices, including local applications.

Leave Robot

Stops and leaves the robot without executing it to the end or returning a result.

Start execution of the device automation workflow

Start Execution

Starts executing the workflow from the current flow point.

Pause execution workflow

Stop - Pause

Stops any execution that is waiting for a reply from the local hub, and pauses subsequent executions after the current step completes its execution.

Step Into execution workflow

Step Into

Executes to the next flow point. If the next flow point is inside a collapsed step, the step is expanded. See Step Into.

Step over one step

Step Over

Executes the step immediately following current flow point. If no such step exists, it executes to the next flow point.

Newly inserted steps are not executed unless you click Step Into or Step Over on the toolbar.

Step out of the execution workflow

Step Out

Steps out of the of the scope containing the current flow point as follows:

  • If the current flow point is at the top level of the Robot execution, executes to the end of the Robot.

  • If the current flow point is inside a compound step execution, leaves and stops at the flow point immediately after the compound step.

  • If the Robot has terminated and was called from a Basic Engine Robot, execution leaves the Robot and returns to the Basic Engine Robot with either a result or an error.

If a Robot is executed in standalone mode, this button is unavailable because there is no Basic Engine Robot to return to.

Go to next iteration in the loop

Go to next Iteration

Enabled when the current flow point is inside a Loop step. Press the button to execute until the same flow point is reached again. The loop executes more than once if the flow point is skipped in some iterations. If there are no more iterations to execute, the execution stops at the flow point outside the Loop step.

Go to Location

Opens a dialog box where you can paste the step location code to go directly to the step or copy the location code of a step.

To go to a step, open the robot and click the Go to Location button or press Ctrl+G. Paste the code into the dialog box. This action is useful when an error is logged for a particular step, and you use the code from the log to navigate to the step in the robot.

To copy the location code of a step, in the robot, select the step and click the Go to Location button or press Ctrl+G. Copy the code from the dialog box. This can be useful when you need to share the step location with someone else.

Shows location of the flow point.

Go to Current Flow Point

Brings to view the current flow point location.

Expand all steps button


Expands all selected steps. If you make no selection, it expands all steps. The button is unavailable if selected steps or all steps are expanded.

Collapse all steps button


Collapses all selected steps. If you make no selection, it collapses all steps. The button is unavailable if selected steps or all steps are collapsed.

Collapse all but selection button

Collapse all but selection

Collapses all steps except selected ones and expands all selected steps. The button is unavailable if there is no selection.

Expand flow icon

Expand Flow

Expands flow of selected steps. Expands all steps that contain flow lines inside them, such as Group, Loop, and Conditional steps. If you make no selection, it expands the entire structure of a robot. The button is unavailable if the entire flow of the robot is expanded.

Download robot from Management Console

Downloads a robot.

Upload robot to Management Console

Uploads a robot.

Basic Engine Robot toolbars

Basic Engine Robots have two toolbars, one for Design and the other for Debug options.

Design toolbar

Design Studio toolbar




Open Project

Open Project

Opens a project.

Save All Files

Save All

Saves all changes in the workflow.

Synchronize All

Refresh All

Refreshes all open robots.

Configure Robot

Configure Robot

Opens the Robot Configuration window. See Configure Basic Engine Robots.

Prepare Execution

Prepares the selected robot to take the execution privilege. Use this button to execute a robot and enable full editing options in the robot. See Prepare Execution.


Refreshes selected robots.

Pause execution workflow

Stop - Pause

Stops any execution that is waiting for a reply from the local hub, and pauses subsequent executions after the current step completes its execution.


Executes to the next flow point. If the next flow point is inside a collapsed step, the step is expanded. See Step Into.



Removes the last change to the robot.



Repeats the last action. Also reverses an Undo action.


Cuts (deletes) selected content.



Copies selected content in the workflow to the clipboard.

Paste Before

Paste Before

Pastes the content of the clipboard into the workflow before the selected location.


Deletes selected content.

Insert Step Before

Insert Step Before Selected Step

Inserts a new step before the selected step.

Insert Step After

Insert Step After Selected Step

Inserts a new step after the selected step.

Add a branch from selected step

Add Branch from Selected Step

Inserts a new branch for the selected step.



Groups steps together.



Removes the group of steps and makes them individual steps.

Create Snippet from selection

Create Snippet from Selection

Copies the selected content and creates a snippet. For information, see Snippets.

Convert snippet to group

Convert Snippet to Group

Groups steps into a snippet.

Move step or connection up

Move Step or Connection Up

Moves the selected step or connection up.

Move step or connection down

Move Step or Connection Down

Moves the selected step or connection down.

Expand All

Expand All

Expands all selected steps. If you make no selection, it expands all steps. The button is unavailable if selected steps or all steps are expanded.

Collapse All

Collapse All

Collapses all selected steps. If you make no selection, it collapses all steps. The button is unavailable if selected steps or all steps are collapsed.


Switch to Debug Mode

Displays the debug mode view. See Debug a Basic Engine Robot.

Start Debug

Start Debug from Current Location

Runs the debug tool from the selected location.

Download robot from Management Colsole

Download robot from Management Console

Downloads a robot.

Upload robot to Management Console

Upload robot to Management Console

Uploads a robot.

Debug toolbar




Open Project

Open Project

Opens a project.

Save All Files

Save All

Saves all changes in the workflow.

Synchronize All

Refresh All

Refreshes all open robots.

Start execution of the device automation workflow


Starts executing the workflow from the current flow point.


Executes one step at a time. See Single Stepping.


Executes to the next flow point. If the next flow point is inside a collapsed step, the step is expanded.

Step out of the execution workflow


Steps out of a group or snippet. Leaves the group and advances the debugger to the step following the Group step.

Pause execution workflow

Stop - Pause

Stops any execution that is waiting for a reply from the local hub, and pauses subsequent executions after the current step completes its execution.

Restart Debug

Resets the internal state and devices, including local applications.

Toggle Breakpoint

During debugging, Design Studio stops at the breakpoint.

See Use Breakpoints.

Remove Breakpoints on Selected Step(s)

Removes breakpoints on selected steps.

Remove All Breakpoints

Removes all breakpoints.

Expand All

Expand All

Expands all selected steps. If you make no selection, it expands all steps. The button is unavailable if selected steps or all steps are expanded.

Collapse All

Collapse All

Collapses all selected steps. If you make no selection, it collapses all steps. The button is unavailable if selected steps or all steps are collapsed.

Go to this Location in Design Mode

Returns from a debugging location to Design mode. See Return to Design Mode from a Debugging Location.