Users and User Groups

These sections are available for Administrators.


Use the Users page to view and manage users that have access to the Kapplets application.

Administrator is a default user that is automatically created by the system and cannot be deleted.

After users log in to Kapplets, they appear in the table on the Users page in Kapplets. See Kapplets user management for information on how to configure users.




Click to enable or disable the user access to Kapplets.

Full name

Full name of the user.

User name

User name used to log in to Kapplets with Management Console.


User email.


Type of the user. "Management Console" means that the user was configured in the Management Console.


List of Management Console groups the user has access to.


Global privileges in Kapplets assigned to the user.

Actions on Users

When you click the context menu for a user, the following actions are listed:

  • Edit: Opens a dialog box where you can assign global privileges to the user, enable or disable user, as well as assign this user to available groups.

  • Delete: Removes the user from the list.

User groups

Use the User groups page to create and edit user groups, assign global and custom privileges.




Name of the user group.


Type of the group.


Global privileges in Kapplets assigned to this group.


Description of the group.

By default, these three groups are available:

  • English UI

  • French UI

  • Japanese UI

If you want a user to view the Kapplets user interface in any of these languages, select the required user group, click Edit from the context menu, and on the Edit group page, select the user and save changes. Next time this user logs in to Kapplets, the user interface is displayed in the selected language.

Create a new user group

To create a new user group, navigate to the User groups page and perform the following steps:

  1. Click the plus sign in the upper left corner.

  2. In the Create new group window, configure the following information:

    • Name: Type the name of the group. It should match the name of the security group created in the Management Console.

    • Description: Add description of the group if needed.

    • Global member privileges: Select a global privilege for the group.

    • Users: Add users to the group.

  3. Click Save.

Additionally, you can perform the following actions on groups by clicking the context menu button:

  • Edit: Opens the Edit group page.

  • Delete: Removes user group from the list.

See Kapplets user management for more information.

Transfer of Kapplets roles

All Management Console roles related to Kapplets that were assigned to users in a previous product release can be transferred to Kapplets by importing a Management Console backup to Kapplets. The roles from the backup are converted into their equivalents in the Kapplets.

Also, as Kapplets is a standalone application, if a user is assigned a role related to Kapplets in the Management Console, it is not automatically transferred when the user logs in to the Kapplets. The new role or any role change must be explicitly confirmed by the global administrator, that is, assigned to the user on the Kofax RPA side.