DT Browser and Action Steps

The DT (Document Transformation) browser shows transformation results and helps you work with extracted data in the document. The following table explains the DT browser toolbar elements.

Document Transformation browser toolbar



The Page section helps you navigate in a multi-page document

Go back button in the built-in Kapow browser

Navigates one page back in a multi-page document.

Go forward button in the built-in Kapow browser

Navigates one page forward in a multi-page document.

Go to page number

Navigates to the specified page in a multi-page document.

The Document section helps you navigate in multiple and separated documents

Go back button in the built-in Kapow browser

Navigates to the previous document.

Go forward button in the built-in Kapow browser

Navigates to the next document.

open document by its number.

Navigates to the document by number.

Open document by name

Navigates to the document by name.

  • For normal documents, specify the filename without extension, such as mydocument for the mydocument.pdf file.
  • For separated documents, specify the filename without extension followed by an underscore and a page range suffix. For example, if a four-page mydocument.pdf file is split into half two pages each, the two resulting documents are called mydocument_1-2 and mydocument_3-4.

The Validation section helps you validate a document

Send for validation

Sends a document for manual validation to the specified Document Transformation Thin Client server.

Document transformation status

Status of the transformed document with error description if any.

Application actions

All of the actions that appear on the toolbar are also available from the context menu when you right-click the DT Browser tab. The following table lists and describes those actions that are available only from the context menu.

Action step


Previous Page

Navigates to the previous page.

Next Page

Navigates to the next page.

Goto Page

Navigates to the specified page in a multi-page document.

Count Pages

Gets the number of pages in the currently active document.

Previous Document

Navigates to the previous document.

Next Document

Navigates to the next document.

Goto Document

Navigates to the specified document in the batch.

Count Documents

Gets the number of documents in the batch.


Closes the application window.


Submits the document to the DTS server for processing.

Get Document

Extracts a particular document from the batch.

You can use this action to extract a subdocument when your Document Transformation Service project is configured to use Document Separation.

  1. In the step properties, select a name of the subdocument to extract or its index (number in the batch). The Index option takes precedence over the Name option, so if you specify both, the index is used to select the document.
  2. Select a file format to extract a document: Get Image (.tif) and/or Get XDoc (.xdc).

  3. Specify a binary variable to store the result.

Then, you can use the binary data in several different ways, such as send it to Kofax TotalAgility with the Create Document action or use the Write File step to write the data into a file on a local or remote computer.

For example, when using the Write File step, consider the following for a file name for the file to contain the extracted document, :

  • If you selected "Get Image" only, use the extension .tif.
  • If you selected "Get XDoc" only, use the extension .xdc.
  • If you selected both formats, use the extension .zip. In this case, an archive is created containing the extracted document in two formats.

The .xdc format can be read with the XDoc Browser application included in your Document Transformation Service installation.

Set validation users

Inserts a step to specify users or groups for validating the document. Users or groups can be specified in one of the following formats:

  • name
  • domain\name
  • name@domain.com

If you assign users or groups for validation and submit the document, only the specified users or groups will see the document.

Component actions



Get Field Value

Extracts document field value to the specified variable.