Manage password access

On this tab, create and modify password access entries.

Example: use this option to grant access to a robot.

For general steps on using Password store, see Use password store.

By default, the following table columns are displayed for each password access entry.



Password access token

Resource access token for the particular robot.


Description identifying an entry in the table.

Project name

Project containing a password access entry.

Password entries

Password entries that the access is granted to.

Create new password access
  1. From the Repository menu, select Password store.
  2. Select the Password access tab.
  3. Click the plus sign to create a new access entry.

    The "Password access entry" dialog box appears.

  4. Complete the following fields:

    • Projects: Select a project to contain the password entry.
    • Password access token: To grant access to a robot (it must be uploaded to Management Console), go to Robots, and from the context menu for the required robot, click Get resource access token, copy the token, then enter it in the Password access token field.

    • Description: Type a description to identify an entry in the list.

    • Password entries: Select a user name or target system to grant access to the password store.

  5. Click OK to save the password access.

    The new password access entry appears in the table.

Modify password access

To modify password access, perform the following actions.

  • From the context menu, use Edit to modify the same fields as in the "Password access entry" dialog box.

  • To remove a password access entry, select it in the table and click the bin icon. You are prompted to confirm the deletion.