Process Discovery Analyzer

This section is available for users with the following roles: Administrator, Viewer, and Project Administrator.

Kofax RPA Process Discovery Analyzer is designed to process the recorded raw data and to generate refined data for the Kofax Analytics for RPA dashboard.

Specify Process Discovery Analyzer database connection settings, runtime parameters, cluster settings, and supply credentials to perform database provisioning on the Process Discovery Analyzer page. Once you finish editing, click Save to save the settings.



Schedule settings

Select how to run the Analyzer.

  • Execute at specific times: Set a comma-separated list of time values in hh:mm format to run Analyzer in the Execute at specific times field. The time can be specified as follows:

    1:00, 15:30

  • Execute periodically: Set the time interval between Analyzer runs in the Execution interval (hours) field.

Cluster settings

Specify cluster settings for the Process Discovery Analyzer. See Process Discovery Analyzer cluster for details.

If you change any cluster settings, restart the master node. If you assign another computer as a master node, restart both the current master node and the newly assigned master node. For example, currently your cluster contains three nodes: A, B, and C. "A" is a master node. If you assign "B" as a master node, restart "A" and "B."

  • Master address: IP address (IPv4 only), fully qualified domain name (such as, or a computer name of the computer hosting the master application of the cluster. Specify a domain name as a master address if DHCP is used in your network.

  • Network pattern: This is an optional parameter that helps you bind the cluster computer to a specific subnet, such as 192.168.*.* or 10.*.*.*. Enter the pattern if your computer runs several network interfaces with different IP addresses.

    The following ports must be changed only if standard ports are blocked on your network.

  • Master port: Specify a port for the master application host.

  • Master WebUI port: Specify a port to access the activity monitor web interface of the master application host.

  • Worker WebUI port: Specify a port to access the activity monitor web interface of the worker application host.

  • Master memory (GB): Specify the maximum amount of memory for the master process. If you encounter an outofmemory type of error in the Analyzer log on a master node, increase the amount in this setting and restart the master node.

  • Worker memory (GB): Specify the amount of memory Apache Spark reserves for the worker process when the process starts. The Apache Spark cluster technology used in Process Discovery implies that you use computers that are similar in processing power and memory amount as worker nodes. If worker nodes have different amount of free RAM, specify the lowest available amount of free memory on a node. If a node does not have enough memory to reserve for a worker process, it is started but it does not participate in data analysis. To check the node, open http://<worker_ip_address>:<worker_ui_port> in a browser and make sure that there is a running executor on the node.

Do not decrease below the default settings the amount of memory on master and worker nodes.

Database settings

Specify database connection settings for the Process Discovery Analyzer to store refined data.

  • Host: Database server name or IP address. If you use Docker for deploying Process Discovery, this is the computer where Process Discovery runs in a Docker container.

  • Port: Specify the port to access the database.

  • Schema: Name of schema.

  • Type: Specifies the type of database. This parameter cannot be changed.

  • User name: Account name to access the database by the Analyzer.

  • Password: Account password to access the database by the Analyzer.

  • Test button: Checks the connection to the database.

Advanced database settings

Specify Analyzer run settings.

Do not alter settings in this section without consulting with Kofax Technical Support.

  • Connection timeout (seconds): Database operations timeout setting.

  • Read batch size: A number of events read from the Agent database in one transaction.

  • Write batch size: A number of events written to the Analyzer database in one transaction.

Database provisioning

Enter credentials to create the database schema and grant access to the user specified in Database settings.

Database provisioning buttons are disabled until you save your settings on the Database settings tab.

  • Database administrator name: Specify the name of the administrator account to access the database.

  • Database administrator password: Specify a password to secure the administrator account.

  • Create schema button: Creates a schema in the database using the specified credentials. If the schema exists, you are prompted to overwrite the existing schema or cancel.

  • Grant user access button: Grants necessary database access rights to the user specified in Database settings. If the user exists, you are prompted to recreate the existing user or cancel. If you recreate the user, the previous user access rights and other user settings are lost.