User interface

Management Console has the following menu options.

Use this menu option to view and post messages.

Use this menu to create and manage schedules. A schedule is a plan for running one or more robots, typically at pre-planned points in time and in a repeating fashion. A schedule provides the plan for when the robots should be run, which is done by passing them to the configured servers.


Use this menu to manage your work objects, connect to other components by means of mappings, add Robot File Systems, and other. Robots, type definitions, and resources can be uploaded from Design Studio to the Management Console repository or uploaded manually through the web interface of the Management Console. Uploaded robots can be executed as part of a schedule, Kapplet, or through client code that executes robots using the Kofax RPA Java or .NET APIs. You can also use the APIs to programmatically query or update the repository.

Data view

Use this menu to see data your robots have stored in databases or to export this data to Excel, XML, or CSV.

Log view

Use this menu to check the RoboServer, schedule, robot, and other logs.


Use this menu to configure settings for Management Console related to administrative tasks. It also enables you to manage clusters of RoboServers and their settings, as well as manage projects and permissions. This is also where you generate shared secrets, configure the license and create/restore backups and projects.


Use this menu to configure other settings for Management Console, such as related to server and database configuration, Process Discovery, and KTA.

Most sections in Management Console display items of a certain type in a table. When many items are available for display, they are divided into pages. You can use the Items per page setting to select how many items to display at the same time. This number does not adapt automatically to the height of the browser window, so the empty space below the table does not always mean that you are seeing the last items. To select columns shown on the page, click on the right and select columns in the list.

The tables support sorting and filtering. Click any column heading to sort by that column. Click the same column heading again to reverse the sorting order. Sorting is performed on the entire table, not on each page individually. If you have more than one "page," you may see a completely different set of rows if you change the sorting order. Depending on the opened page you can filter the list by typing a name in the Filter field or first click Filter, select an item to filter by, and type its name. See Filtering for details.

The windows that appear under each section in Management Console can be resized. To restore default settings, go to Profile > Settings > Reset all settings.

User menu

In the upper right corner, the user menu is located containing the following functions:

  • Profile

    Contains general information about the current user.

  • Settings

    Contains the user interface language setting and the option to reset all custom settings to their default values. Note that local user interface language settings have a higher priority than those assigned by the administrator.

    The display format of the date in all tables, except the "Log view," depends on the settings of your browser. When set to English, the browser language settings are used to determine the dialect of English. For example, if "English (United Kingdom)" appears at the top of the languages list, the date will be formatted according to the British English standard date format. If no preference is found in the browser settings, English (United States) is used by default.

    To learn about date configuration in the "Log view" section, see RoboServers.

  • Change password

    Click to change your password.

  • User API tokens

  • About

    Contains general information about this version of Management Console, server time, and local time.

  • Log out

    Click to log out from the current user profile.

Additionally, a help button is available to the left of the user menu to open Kofax RPA Help.