User interface

The following topics introduce the Kofax RPA Kapplets user interface and functionality.

To view the Kofax RPA Kapplets main window, you must have a valid, activated license. See the Kofax RPA Installation Guide for details on licensing.

Kofax RPA Kapplets has a web-based user interface. It gives you the ability to work with Kapplets not only from a computer, but also from a mobile device such as a smartphone or a tablet.

The main window consists of the following user interface elements:

Main menu

The main menu is located on the left of the Kofax RPA Kapplets window. To either minimize the menu to icons or to restore it, click in the upper left corner of the window.

Kapplets are divided into eight functional areas:


Available for all user groups. Use this page to create, edit, and run Kapplets. Note that before creating a Kapplet, you need to create a template first.


This page is available for developers, administrators, and global administrators. Use this page to create and edit templates. Kapplets are based on templates.


This page is available for all user groups. Use this page to create and edit schedules for Kapplets.


This page is available for all user groups. Use this page to view the execution information about Kapplets and exports to Excel.


This page is available only for administrators. Use this page to manage Kapplets users:

  • Edit information about users

  • Assign global privileges to users

  • Change user group assignment

  • Enable, disable, or remove users

User groups

This page is available only for administrators. Use this page to create and manage user groups:

  • Create new user groups

  • Add new users to user groups

  • Assign global privileges to user groups and local privileges in the workspaces


This page is available only for administrators. Use this page to:

  • Create, manage, and remove workspaces

  • Assign local privileges to user groups in a workspace


This page is available only for administrators. Use this page to:

  • Create and restore Kapplets backup files

  • Restore legacy Kapplets backup files

  • Provide a shared secret


The toolbar is located at the top of the display area of each page. Depending on the selected page, a set of elements on the toolbar may vary.

  • Use the Create new button to create a new item on the selected page.

  • To refresh the items on the tab, click the Reload data button.

  • Use the search box to search through the items on the selected page.

Most pages of Kapplets display items of a certain type in a table. When many items are available for display, they are divided into several pages. This is managed with the Items per page setting at the bottom of the page.

The tables of the displayed items support filtering. Click the Settings button to open the list of filtering options. Depending on the selected page, the set of filtering options may vary. For example, on the Kapplets and Templates pages, it also shows a list of available workspaces to filter Kapplets and templates by.

User menu

The user menu provides the following functions:

  • Profile

    Contains general information about the current user.

  • Settings

    Contains the user interface language settings and the option to reset all custom settings to their default values. Note that local user interface language settings have a higher priority than those assigned by the administrator.

  • Keyboard shortcuts

    Contains the keyboard shortcuts that can be used in Kapplets.

  • Log out

    Click to log out from Kapplets. A page appears with the options to log out from the Management Console.