Use predefined custom fields
There are many ways that you can use the predefined custom fields.
For example, you can use a predefined custom field to process the UK bank sort code. The sort code is a 6-digit number with hyphens between the digit groups in the following format: 55-61-16.
You can use a predefined custom field to extract and process a sort code for a UK bank by following these steps:
Navigate to the
Settings > Invoice Processing > Global Settings > Custom Extraction Profiles > Analysis Profiles settings.
A list of existing analysis profiles is displayed.
Add to add a new analysis profile.
- From the Analysis Profile ID list, select New.
- Choose a Compare Type.
Set a
Format that matches the expected format.
Using the sort code example, use ##-##-## as the format.
- Optionally, enter any characters that can be ignored.
- Click Save.
The analysis profile is added to the list.
- Optionally, if other formats appear for the sort code, add another format for the same Analysis Profile ID.
Click on the
Evaluation Profiles tab and click
Add to create a new evaluation profile.
- From the Evaluation Profile ID list, select New.
For the
Context field, enter a value that matches your expected value.
Using the sort code example, enter Sort Code.
Enter any
Ignore Characters.
Using the sort code example, enter -.
- Click Save.
The evaluation profile is added to the list.
- Optionally, add other context words for the same Evaluation Profile ID if needed.
Click on the
Extraction Profiles tab and then click
Add to add a new extraction profile.
- Enter a Description.
- From the Analysis Profile ID list, select the ID for your recently added analysis profile.
- From the Evaluation Profile ID list, select the ID for your recently added evaluation profile.
- Optionally, to enable regions and restrict the search to the first page, select Use Regions and Use First Page.
- Optionally, configure the other settings as needed.
- Click Save.
The extraction profile is added to the list.
Navigate to the
Settings > Invoice Processing > Capture Profiles > Field Settings.
A list of all fields for the selected capture profile is displayed.
In the list of fields, select
Custom1 and then click
The Custom1 field is activated for this capture profile.
Custom1 and then click
- In the Field Settings window, select your newly created Extraction Profile from the list.
- Click Save.
The Custom1 field is saved.
What next?