Third-party freight
In Kofax AP Agility, a third-party freight invoice refers to a very specific business scenario where an invoice is received from a vendor billing for freight, yet that vendor legitimately quotes the purchase order number of another vendor, such as the material vendor. The freight charge is booked against the purchase order from this other material vendor.
Freight invoices that do not fall into this category are handled as regular invoices.
During line pairing, Kofax AP Agility books the net value of the invoice against the material vendor purchase order. The booking uses the rules set against the miscellaneous charge group assigned to third-party freight vendors set in the Settings > Invoice Processing > Capture Profiles > Misc Charge Settings > Misc Charge Categories tab. The table specifies where the rules are configured and indicates which miscellaneous charge group has been assigned a code of F.
If the rule is set to post as unplanned, Kofax AP Agility also creates a zero-value debit invoice line against the first line item of the purchase order belonging to the material vendor.
If the rule is set to post against planned condition types on the purchase order, these condition types must be goods receipted.