Create New ERP Connection
Use this window to start the process of creating a new ERP connection. Here, select the ERP type before selecting specific details on the ERP Connection: New window. The list of available ERPs is based on what ERP plugins are installed, registered, and configured on your system.
The following settings are available:
Setting |
Description |
Connection Type |
Select the ERP connection type from the list. This list depends on what ERP connectors are installed on your system. The ERP Agnostic and cloud-based ERP Agnostic connections are available even if no ERP connectors are installed. |
Description |
Provide a description about the connection type. |
Use the following buttons to manage your ERP connection:
Button |
Description |
Next |
Depending on the selected Connection Type one of the following pages is displayed where you can provide connection details about the selected connection type. |
Cancel |
Discards any changes and the ERP Connections page is displayed. |