Chinese invoices have a standardized format that is supported by AP Agility. These invoices are initially classified into the InvoicesCN class, that contains special extraction logic before they are passed into the Invoices class.
You need to enable extraction support for Chinese VAT invoices before you can process these invoices.
Within the Settings > Invoice Processing > Capture Profiles > Field Settings, there are special settings for Chinese VAT invoices.
Several fields exist for Chinese invoices and the InvoicesCN class only. These fields are not extracted and are not visible for documents that are not classified into the InvoicesCN class.
The Bill-To VAT Registration Number and the Vendor VAT Registration Number have their own entries for Chinese invoices. As a result, these fields are activated automatically for the InvoicesCN class, when the same fields are not active for the Invoices class.
In addition, configure the VAT settings for your Chinese invoices in the Settings > Invoice Processing > Global Settings > Chinese VAT Invoice Settings.
Golden Tax System
Invoices with a QR code are pre-registered with the Chinese Golden Tax System (GTS) by the vendor. The Golden Tax System is a framework that requires additional customization so that your AP Agility installation is able to connect to the GTS for invoice processing. For more information on integrating with the GTS see the Kofax AP Agility Installation Guide.
These invoices are processed so that a single invoice is a single job. If a job contains multiple invoices, the job is split into child jobs so that only one invoice is processed at a time.
This means that all invoice data is in electronic format and available from a central authority. The extraction process can then confidently use this data for many fields and line items. This is a valuable resource because printed invoices tend to include stamps that can interfere with recognition results.
It may take up to two days to access the electronic data from the GTS. To account for this, the Wait Before Retry and the Timeout on Failure settings are available to ensure that invoices are not sent to wait in limbo.
If a QR code is unreadable due to poor image quality, users can enter key information so that the GTS information is available for extraction. Select the Enter Missing Key Data Manually setting to enable this behavior.
QR codes
If no data is available from the Golden Tax System it is still possible to extract data from the QR code.
The QR code contains data for the following fields:
Using the QR code when GTS data is not available is helpful as stamps may cause issues with the recognition results.
On Chinese invoices, the remarks section is in the lower-right corner of the first page of an invoice. An overlaid stamp often makes this area difficult to read and recognize the content. However, this data is usually stored in the Golden Tax System.
This section is optional, but can contain information that is relevant for other fields or further processing of an invoice. Because of this, it is necessary to process the data that is contained in the remarks section. If the GTS does not contain any relevant information, it is necessary to try and extract content from the recognition data, but this may be troublesome because a stamp is usually placed over this area and may interfere with the extraction results.
A list of purchase order numbers is commonly printed in the remarks section. In addition, if the invoice is issued by a tax bureau, its tax registration code is printed in the remarks section. If the tax registration code for the vendor is printed in the remarks section, the following rules are applied.
VendorVATRegNo is set to the vendor tax registration code.
If the recognition data is readable, the VendorVATRegNo position is set to the words within the remarks section.
The vendor is determined based on both the vendor name and the tax registration number.
The origin of an invoice must be a tax bureau.
Information about insurance costs may also be included in the remarks section.
If there is a value for insurance information, this value is extracted into the AmountMiscellaneous field. The field position is set if the recognition data is usable.