Handle miscellaneous charges

Miscellaneous charges refer to the additional items a vendor may include on an invoice document that have to be booked with the primary invoice items.

Examples include a freight charge, a customs charge, an energy surcharge, or an administration code.

Miscellaneous charges can appear at both the header and at item level on an invoice.

At the header level, Kofax AP Agility provides two fields for this purpose.

  1. Postage

  2. AmountMiscellaneous

At the line item level, the category column is used to identify and classify any miscellaneous charges captured that the vendor specifies as a line item on the invoice. This category is set automatically by Kofax AP Agility drawing on Kofax AP Agility configuration settings applied in the Settings > Invoice Processing > Capture Profiles > Misc Charge Settings > Misc Charge Categories tab.

The handling of miscellaneous charges is dependent on the business rules of the organization. The configuration settings permit the following:

  1. Miscellaneous charges booked against planned condition types on the purchase order. (SAP ECC only)

  2. Miscellaneous charges booked as unplanned delivery costs. (i.e. a single, header-level amount field within the downstream ERP system)

  3. Miscellaneous charges booked as a separate invoice line item with a specific line type. (Oracle Financials)

  4. Miscellaneous charges booked as a direct general ledger account entry.

These events occur during the line pairing operation carried out during document export. Line pairing must be activated in the Settings > Invoice Processing > Capture Profiles > Line Pairing Settings table for miscellaneous charge processing to occur. If line pairing is deactivated, then any miscellaneous charges that are displayed on the invoice are output in the same format that they are extracted.

Kofax AP Agility always checks for the existence of a regular purchase order line item representing the miscellaneous charge before applying the configured processing setting. If one is found, then this line item is used. Miscellaneous charges set up as regular purchase order line items are identified by the purchase order line item description and the extent to which it fits with the aliases configured as described in Assign line items to a Miscellaneous Charge Category.