Additional LPR table mappings

The following table contains sections that can be mapped. It also describes when these mappings are beneficial.




This column represents the material group of the purchase order line item material.

If available, it can be mapped simply to pass this data to a downstream system for a paired line item. It is also used in the automatic tax determination procedure if the selection of the correct tax code is driven by the material group of the item.



These two columns represent the tax information that is set when the purchase order was originally raised.

For countries that do not use tax jurisdictions, the tax code informs the ERP system how to handle tax for line items. Some countries that do not use tax jurisdiction because tax rates are set by the government at a national level, such as within the European Union. The tax code uses the percentage rate of tax that is charged, as well as describing if an item is a service, it is tax-exempt, or it is zero-rated because it is a cross-border transaction. Under these circumstances, tax jurisdiction is not used.

For countries that do not use tax jurisdictions, the tax code informs the ERP system whether the item is subject to tax or not. Some countries that do use tax jurisdictions have tax rates that are set at a local level such as in the US, Canada, India, and Brazil. The accompanying tax jurisdiction code, which is the identification umber of a specific tax office, represents the actual percentage rate information.

These columns are only mapped if the automatic tax determination feature is used.


This column represents the order price unit of measure. This is the unit of measure that is associated with the unit price for the purchase order line item.

It may differ from the regular unit of measure that is associated with the order quantity on the purchase order line.





These four columns provide Kofax AP Agility with purchase order line item history data. This is so that Kofax AP Agility knows exactly what has been invoiced and goods-receipted to date, both in terms of quantities and overall values.

It can be extremely beneficial to the success rate of the line pairing operation if this information is available in the purchase order line item table, which may involve creating a view based on the standard line item table, and a separate history table.


The plant is a code set in the client ERP system that represents the physical location where the purchase order line goods are delivered, or where a service is performed. For example, it could represent a warehouse or an office building.

The plant column can be mapped to pass data to a downstream ERP system for each paired line item, but Kofax AP Agility will require the information if either:

  • The invoice includes a miscellaneous charge. Miscellaneous charges are output as general ledger account entries and is driven by the plant on the purchase order.

  • The automatic tax code determination feature is used, and the country of the invoice company code cannot be used to determine where the goods were delivered.

The specific address details relating to each plant code is read from SAP ECC. Settings in Settings > Invoice Processing > Capture Profiles > Tax Settings > Tax Settings tabs control the appropriate data source.



These two columns are available for implementations involving Oracle e-Business Suite, where the charge code and charge code ID information need brought into Kofax AP Agility, and then passed back out for each line item where line pairing has succeeded.