Add a new business unit

Business units are sub divisions of an organization. One organizations can have many business units.

You can add a business unit by following these steps:

  1. Open the Kofax AP Agility Work Queue as an Administrator.
  2. On the Settings menu, click Organizations.

    The Organizations are displayed.

  3. Select an organization from the list by clicking on its Organization Name.

    The organization details for the selected organization are displayed.

  4. Click on the Business Units tab.

    The Organizations - Business Unit tab is displayed.

  5. Click New.

    The Business Unit: New or Edit window is displayed.

  6. Enter the following information for your business unit.
    1. Enter a Business Unit Name. (Mandatory)
    2. Enter a Description.
    3. Enter the ERP Business Unit ID. (Mandatory)
    4. Enter the ERP Business Unit Name. (Mandatory)
    5. Enter the Business Unit Address.
    6. Select the Country. (Mandatory)
    7. Select the Currency. (Mandatory)
    8. Enter one or more values into the VAT Registration Number if needed.
    9. Enter the Auto Approval Level.

      Any invoices with an invoice total that is less than or equal to the specified value are approved automatically. If you do not enter a value into this field, no invoices are approved automatically.

    10. Select the Default Routing Order. (Mandatory)
    11. Enter the Receipt Wait Interval (days).

      This setting is related to the Line Pairing Exception activity behavior for purchase order invoices. If a PO invoice is sent for automatic re-match, this value defines how long an invoice attempts to resolve its line parings so that invoice can be exported to the ERP system. If this does not happen within the specified time frame, the PO invoice is sent back to the Line Pairing Correction activity where the line items are updated as needed.

    12. Enter a Reply Email Address.

      This is the email address that is displayed in the "From" address for email notifications sent via the Send Email feature by activity users.

      If you do not enter a value in this field, the email address is obtained from Kofax TotalAgility or manually entered by the activity user.

    13. If you want to use an approval chain, select Use Approval Chain. Otherwise, leave this setting cleared.

      This is a hierarchy of users that can approve invoices based on the invoice total.

      Optionally, add one or more approval levels.

    14. If you want plan to start processing invoices for this business unit, select Active.
    15. Click Add.

      When the business unit is created, a corresponding user group based on the business unit name, is added to the AP_Approvers resource group in Kofax TotalAgility. For example, if you create a new business unit and name it FinanceDept, the new resource group for that business unit is called FinanceDept_Approvers, a subgroup of the AP_Approvers resource group.

      This enables you to add individual Approval activity users to the new business unit resource group so that they can configure their own email notifications for invoices that require approval for that business unit.

      You are returned to the list of business units on the Organization - Business Units tab and your business unit is now displayed.

  7. Click Close.