User exits in on-premise environments
Custom business logic is provided with a .NET assembly and needs to be installed to the global assembly cache. Before implementing a user exit, delegates must be implemented and registered within your custom functionality.
Some parts of the code are running on a 32-bit process, while others are running via a 64-bit process as follows:
Extraction is executed by a 32-bit process.
This includes identifying potential alternatives for fields and adding weights to those alternatives.
Validation, line pairing, and export are all executed by 64-bit processes.
Because of this, you can register two different use exit assemblies. One for extraction and then another for validation, line pairing, and export.
Most user exits are executed either during extraction only or during validation, line pairing, or export only. However, there are some user exits that are executable at any point during processing. As a result, you can implement all of your user exits in a single assembly so that the assembly is used for both cases as long as the following are met.
The assembly is compiled as an MSIL assembly.
The assembly has no dependencies to any 32-bit or 64-bit assemblies.
For more information on installing user exits, see the Kofax AP Agility Installation Guide.
Related topics:
User Exit settings
Full list of user exits
User exits via business rules