Export logs

If you want a copy of the logs outside of Kofax AP Agility it is possible to export the logs by following these steps:

  1. Open Kofax AP Agility and log on as an Administrator.
  2. On the menu, select Settings > Administration > Export of Logs.
  3. Select which logs you are exporting. Depending on how your solution is configured, choose one or more from the following:
    • General Logs. This setting is available only for OPMT or Azure environments.

    • ERP Connector Service Calls. This setting is available when there is at least one organization using an ERP connector.

    • Data Import Logs. This setting is available when there is at least one organization using an ERP connector.

  4. Set the date range by entering values for the From and To date fields.
  5. Enter a file path into the Directory field.
  6. Click Export.

    The selected logs are exported to the specified directory.

    If there are a lot of entries in the database then the log may be split into multiple files. No single log file exceeds 5MB.