Automatic database table purge

It is possible to set a schedule to regularly purge your database tables for outdated information. However, this relies on another process to execute the purge. The prerequisite of automatic purging is a configured AP Purge Database Tables process.

Regularly purging your database tables of unused records helps keep the size under control and can improve performance.

You can configure automatic database table purging by following these steps:

  1. Log on to AP Agility as an Administrator.
  2. On the menu, select Settings > Administration.

    Several tabs are displayed.

  3. Select the DB Management tab.
  4. In the relevant database table group, select Automatic Purging.

    The Entries older than X days setting is displayed.

  5. Enter a value for the number of days and click Update.

    The next time that the AP Purge Database Tables process is executed, any invoices that are no longer required are removed from the database.

    For the Invoices in Workflow group, invoices are purged only if their status set to Completed or Rejected. This ensures that invoices that are still being processed are not removed before they are finished.