Clean up ERP master data on-demand

It is possible that the content of the ERP master data contains vendor records that are no longer needed and have been removed from the Kofax AP Agility database.

Clean up master data only if the AP Data Import process imports the full ERP data and not incremental updates only.

If you want to remove the unnecessary records from the ERP master data and do not want to wait for the scheduled job to run, you can do this on-demand by following these steps:

  1. Log on to AP Agility as an Administrator.
  2. On the menu, select Jobs > Create.

    The Create Jobs pages is displayed.

  3. From the Category list, select AP Agility.
  4. From the Process list, select AP Data Import.

    The Initialization Data is updated for the selected process.

  5. Select Clean up Master Data to clean any data that is no longer needed.
  6. Click Create.

    The AP Data Import job is started and a job ID is provided.

  7. Optionally, click on the job ID to follow the progress of the process.
  8. Restore the original Start Data Load From value for your ERP connector.