Configure VAT compliance validation

You can configure VAT Compliance validation by following these steps:

  1. Open Settings > Invoice Processing > Capture Profiles > Company Code.
  2. Edit the settings as needed and then Save your changes.
  3. Open the Settings > Invoice Processing > Global Settings > Country Settings.
  4. Edit the settings as needed and then Save your changes.
  5. Optionally, to limit the VAT requirement to only check the VAT registration number of the vendor, open the Settings > Invoice Processing > Capture Profiles > Tax Settings > Tax Settings tabs.
  6. Ensure that Activate VAT Compliance Check is selected.

    Several additional VAT fields are displayed.

  7. Select Vendor VAT Check Only.

    An additional field is displayed.

  8. In the Vendor VAT Check Company Code Exception field, enter a comma-separated list of company codes.

    These are the only company codes that have their vendor VAT checked.

  9. Click Save.

    The Tax Configuration changes are saved.