Customize case reference for the AP Agility Workflow

Follow the steps in this section to customize the case reference for the AP Agility Workflow.

  1. Launch the TotalAgility Designer.
  2. On the menu, select System data > Server variables.

    The Server variables are displayed for the Default Category.

  3. From the Category list select AP Agility.

    A list of server variables related to AP Agility is displayed.

  4. Click New to create a new variable.

    The New server variable window is displayed.

  5. Create a new variable Case Reference for AP Workflow with the following ID: APCASEREFERENCETEMPLATE
  6. Enter the following details for the new variable.
    1. Set the Category to AP Agility.
    2. Set the Name as "Case Reference for AP Workflow."
    3. Enter an ID.
    4. Enter the following details into the Value field.
      • [Date]

      • [Uuid]

      • [InvoiceId]

      • [InvoiceNumber]

      • [InvoiceDate]

      • [BusinessUnitId]

      • [BusinessUnitCode]

      • [OrganizationId]

      • [OrganizationCode]

      • [VendorId]

      • [VendorName]

      • [VendorCode]

      Place the values in the square brackets. The values are case sensitive. The maximum length of the case reference is 40 symbols with spaces.

      The case reference must be unique. Otherwise, the name is changed automatically.

    5. Set the Type to String.
    6. Optionally, select Secure to encrypt this variable.
    7. Click Save.

      Your new variable is saved and added to the server variables list for AP Agility.