
For invoices from Brazil, their tax is extracted as follows:

  • The IPI tax value is extracted into the Tax Amount 1 field.

  • the ICMS tax value is extracted into a separate field. This means that you need to activate the ICMS field via the Settings > Invoice Processing > Capture Profiles > Field Settings.

The line total within the line items contain the ICMS tax but not the IPI tax. This means that the IPI value extracted into the Tax Amount 1 field is used during amount cross-check. The value in ICMS is not included in the amount cross-check.

AP Agility checks if the sum of Total + Tax Amount 1 + Freight + Misc Charges - Discount corresponds to the line total.

The ICMS amount for line items is extracted into the Tax Amount column and is used to calculate the net values for line total and unit price during export. For documents with a single line item row, the ICMS field value may be used for this calculation if the Tax Amount value is missing for that line item. However, for invoices with multiple line item rows, the presence of the Tax Amount value is mandatory. A validation error is raised if the ICMS header field is greater than zero, but does not correspond to the sum of the Tax Amount values from the line items.

When exporting the tax amount to SAP ECC, Process Director, or a CSV file, ICMS is added to the invoice Tax Amount. When exporting to an XML file, database, or when passing the invoice to MarkView or the AP Workflow or an ERP connector, the Tax Amount 1 and ICMS are kept as separate entries.