Edit an existing entry
If one of the Invoice Processing settings is displayed and maintained in a table, you can edit an existing entry assuming that the Edit button is available at the bottom of the table.
You can edit an entry if its values are incorrect by following these steps:
Open one of the
Invoice Processing
settings that is in tabular format.
For example, Settings > Invoice Processing > Global Settings > Database Connection.
Select the entry in the table that requires editing.
If available, the Edit button is enabled.
The corresponding Edit window is displayed.
In the Edit window, make the necessary changes to the listed fields.
Some fields are read-only. This means that it is not possible to edit these fields for the selected record.
For example, editing a System field in the Invalid Reason Settings restricts you to editing the Export Code only. This is because system message texts are set by default and cannot be modified. Only their export behavior is configurable.
Your changes are saved, the Edit window closes, and the table is updated with your changes.