Custom resource group via business rule

You can use a separate resource group to manage who can modify Approval invoices. This resource group is not tied to a specific organization or business unit. If you modify this business rule, this resource group is used for Approval management, even if the AP Manager as Approval Manager setting is cleared.

You can modify a business rule so that a custom resource group is used for approval management by following these steps:

  1. Launch the TotalAgility Designer.
  2. Navigate to Workflow > Business rules.
  3. From the Category list, select AP Agility.

    A list of business processes relevant to AP Agility is displayed.

  4. Click on the business rule called AP Custom Assign Approval Manager.

    The business rule is opened in a separate tab in your Browser.

  5. Edit the business rule as needed.

    For more information on business rules, see the TotalAgility Designer Help.

  6. When you are done, click Save and then click Release.

    The business rule is configured.