Invoice Processing

Invoice Processing performs extraction for invoices, validates them, and performs line-pairing. Invoices that are successfully processed using straight-through processing, are never shown to users. They are simply exported and passed on to the next processing step.

In order to use the Invoice Processing functionality, the Invoice Processing license is required.

However, if an invoice has an issue with extraction, validation, or line-pairing, invoices may be processed through one or more of the following activities.

Scan activity

This standalone form enables users to scan a document for processing. Once the document is scanned, it is automatically classified, extracted, and if necessary, sent for validation.

For more information on how to use the Scan activity, refer to the Kofax AP Agility Invoice Processing Scan activity Help.

Validation activity

This standalone form enables users to fix any errors with the extraction. This includes vendor information as well as line item information.

For more information on how to use the Validation activity, refer to the Kofax AP Agility Invoice Processing Validation activity Help.

Line Pairing Correction activity

This standalone form enables users to fix any issues with line pairing and line items.

For more information on how to use the Line Pairing Correction activity, refer to the Kofax AP Agility Invoice Processing Line Pairing Correction activity Help.

PIX Correction activity

This standalone form enables users to correct any issues with a PIX invoice. This is available only when PIX is installed an used to process invoices.

For more information on how to use the PIX Correction activity, refer to the Kofax AP Agility Invoice Processing PIX Correction activity Help.

After the invoices are processing through these activities, they are exported to a back-end system such as an ERP system. At this time, processing in Kofax AP Agility can end and further processing is done via the ERP system. Alternatively, you can pass these invoices on to the AP Agility Workflow for further processing. Doing so reduces the need to interact with the ERP system directly.

This solution supports the following document types:

  • Vendor invoices

  • Vendor credit memos

  • Third-party freight invoices

Any additional document types are configured as new document classes with the solution. For example, statements of travel of expense forms.