Configure predefined custom fields
You can use the five predefined custom fieldspredefined custom fields to extract and validate data during Invoice Processing. These five predefined fields are also available on the AP Workflow master form. Using a predefined custom field requires no changes to the Transformation Designer project. However, these fields are limited by their number and in what they can extract.
If you run out of predefined custom fields or you would like to extract data using a more complicated extraction logic, use Additional custom fieldsadditional custom fields.
There are several predefined format locators that you can use for the predefined custom fields. The first five locators, FL_Custom1 through FL_Custom5, extract alternatives for the field value. These fields are configured via the Settings > Invoice Processing > Global Settings > Custom Extraction Profiles > Analysis Profiles.
There are several predefined format locators that you can use for the predefined custom fields. The first five locators, FL_Custom1 through FL_Custom5, extract alternatives for the field value. These fields are configured via the Settings > Invoice Processing > Global Settings > Custom Extraction Profiles > Extraction Profiles.
In addition, there are five locators for evaluation, FL_EvalCustom1 through FL_EvalCustom5, that extract alternatives for the field label. These locators are configured via the Settings > Invoice Processing > Global Settings > Custom Extraction Profiles > Evaluation Profiles.
In addition, there are five locators for evaluation, FL_EvalCustom1 through FL_EvalCustom5, that extract alternatives for the field label. These locators are configured via the Settings > Invoice Processing > Global Settings > Custom Extraction Profiles > Evaluation Profiles.
With these locators, the distance between the extracted field values and their labels are analyzed. The various alternatives are weighed and the best alternative is assigned to the field.
Do not edit these format locators in Transformation Designer. Doing so means that you cannot upgrade to a newer version in the future. Instead, use the Settings > Invoice Processing menu for all configuration of these fields.
In order to configure one or more custom fields, the following information is needed.
Activate one or more of the custom fields in the Settings > Invoice Processing > Capture Profiles > Field Settings.
Activate one or more of the custom fields in the Settings > Invoice Processing > Capture Profiles > Field Settings.
Enter a label string into the Settings > Invoice Processing > Global Settings > Custom Extraction Profiles > Evaluation Profiles.
Enter a format string into the Settings > Invoice Processing > Global Settings > Custom Extraction Profiles > Analysis Profiles.
By default, these predefined custom fields appear on the Invoice Processing validation form with their existing Custom1-Custom5 field names. If these names are not suitable, edit them as needed.