
Canada has three types of taxes.

  • Either Provincial Sales Tax (PST) or Quebec Sales Tax (QST)

  • Goods and Services Tax (GST)

  • Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)

Since Canada has both French and English as official languages, you can find the tax terms in either, or both languages as follows:

  • Goods and Service Taxes (GTS) = taxe sur les produits et services (TPS)

  • Provincial Sales Tax (PST) = Taxe de Vente Provincials (TVP)

  • Quebec Sales Tax (QST) = Taxe de vente du Québec (TVQ)

  • Harmonised Sales Tax (HST) = taxe de vente harmonisée (TVH)

Depending on the province, either PST + GST, QST + GST, or HST is charged. AP Agility supports this as follows:

  • GST is always extracted into the TaxAmount1 field.

  • HST is extracted into the HarmonizedSalesTax field if it is activated in the Settings > Invoice Processing > Capture Profiles > Field Settings.

    If HST is not active it is extracted into the Tax Amount 1 field.

  • PST is extracted into ProvincialSalesTax if this field is activated in the Settings > Invoice Processing > Capture Profiles > Field Settings.

    If PST is not active it is not extracted.

  • QST is extracted into the QuebecSalesTax field if it is activated in the Settings > Invoice Processing > Capture Profiles > Field Settings

    If QST is not active it is not extracted.

Since it is possible for some invoices from Quebec to use PST instead of QST, it is possible to activate both the PST and the QST fields. During extraction, whichever field is printed on the form is extracted and used for the amount cross-checks.

During amount cross-check the value for the tax amount is calculated by one of the following calculations, depending on the province:

Tax Amount 1 + Provincial Sales Tax + Harmonized Sales Tax


Tax Amount 1 + Quebec Sales Tax + Harmonized Sales Tax

During export, the calculated tax amount including PST/QST and HST is used:

  • when exporting the tax amount to Process Director or SAP ECC.

  • when writing the tax amount to a CSV file.

When exporting the Tax Amount to an XML file, a database, or through an ERP connector, all tax fields are exported individually.