Rerouting problematic documents

During invoice processing it is possible to reroute problematic documents in one of two ways, depending on the problem.

  1. Mark a document as invalid.

    This is for documents that are legible but there is an issue with extraction, formatting, or validation that cannot be easily resolved during the Validation activity or the Line Pairing Correction activity. Marking a document as invalid sends it to the Exception activity where an expert can address the problem.

    Users provide an invalid reason about why the document is marked as invalid so the Exception activity user can continue to process the document.

    For example, one or more amounts printed on the document fail amount validation or the printed vendor is not recognized.

  2. Reject a document.

    This method is available during the Validation activity only and sends a document to a certain processing point so that a rejection reason can be addressed. This method is used if the entire document cannot be processed.

    For example, if a document is not an invoice so cannot be processed as an invoice. Similarly, reject a document if the scan quality is too poor for extraction or manual validation.

It is possible to add custom invalid reasons as well as custom rejection reasons, as needed.

It is important that your Validation activity users understand this difference between rejecting a document and marking a document as invalid so that they route problematic documents correctly.

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