
Invoices from India are a little complicated because elements such as tax, India-specific fields, and VAT compliance are all aspects of Indian invoices.


Indian invoices may contain:

  • either a central GST (CGST) plus a state GST (SGST)

  • or an integrated GST (IGST)

CGST and SGST have the same rate. IGST is the sum of CGST and SGST within a single amount, resulting in rates that are two times larger.

Different goods and services may be charged with different rates. This means that a single invoice may contain multiple rates.

AP Agility supports the extraction of this tax information and places it into the Net Amount, Tax Rate, and Tax Amount fields.

In order to configure your solution to work process Indian invoices, do the following:

  • Activate VAT compliance.

  • Activate vat-based tax processing.

  • As a minimum, activate the NetAmount1/TaxRate1/TaxAmount1, NetAmount2/TaxRate2/TaxAmount2, and NetAmount3/TaxRate3/TaxAmount3 fields in Settings > Invoice Processing > Capture Profiles > Field Settings.

    Kofax also recommends to activate NetAmount4/TaxRate4/TaxAmount4, even if not always needed.

AP Agility always summarizes CGST and SGST into a single value during extraction. This means that if these taxes are charged, the corresponding Tax Amount field contains the sum of both values. The Tax Rate field contains the sum of both tax rates.

Combining the various tax values into a single field has some side effects.

  • Highlighting values is not possible for combined values.

  • Online learning is not able to train these combined values. You can however, still train all other values such as Sub Total, Total, etc.

    AP Agility discards any online learning results for Net Amount, Tax Rate, and Tax Amount if generic extraction produces combined values. However, when a combined value is not used for one of these value fields, online learning values are used. Because of this behavior, it is possible that some values are populated based on online learning while others are populated based on generic extraction.


The Harmonized System Nomenclature (HSN) is a number that is used to categorize goods and services in India. This number can appear as an HSN number, an SAC (Service Accounting Code) number, or a combination of names such as HSN / SAC. Regardless of how this number is printed on the document, its value is extracted into the HSN field.

These numbers can appear at either the header level or within line items. AP Agility supports the extraction of these numbers. In order to make use of this information, activate the HSN and LineItems.HSN fields in the Settings > Invoice Processing > Capture Profiles > Field Settings.

In order for the validation of the HSN or LineItems.HSN fields to occur, both the HSN field and the HSNMISSING invalid reason must be active. If the fields are activated yet the invalid reason is not active, the fields may appear on the validation form, but they are not validated.


It is mandatory for Indian invoices to contain the GST Identification Number (GSTIN) of the vendor. In order to pass validation, the number printed on the document must match the value in the vendor master data.

To validate the GSTIN value, configure the Activate VAT Compliance Check setting in the Settings > Invoice Processing > Capture Profiles > Tax Settings > Tax Settings tabs.

If VAT compliance is enabled for India, the GSTIN value is extracted into the Vendor VAT Reg No field and validated accordingly.

If there is a missing or mismatched GSTIN, use the NONVATCOMPLIANT invalid reason to mark a document.