ERP vendor master data
Whether your vendor master data is in CSV files or directly imported from your ERP system, this data must be updated regularly. During the installation of Kofax AP Agility the ERP import job schedule is configured to regularly import the vendor master data.
To ensure that your solution is working efficiently, Kofax recommends that you review the ERP import job schedule to ensure that its settings are still sufficient for your needs.
For example, you initially configured the ERP import job schedule to run once a week due to the new system and infrequent changes to the vendor master data. Now, after your system has been in production for several months, this import schedule is no longer frequent enough and must be modified to run more regularly.
If you are using the cloud-based ERP Agnostic connector, it is important that the names of the vendor master data CSV files are all lowercase.
You can manage your ERP vendor master data as follows:
Review the ERP import job schedule
Clean up master data
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