Custom rejection reasons
If the default rejection reasons are not suitable it is possible to add custom rejection reasons. There are two different ways that you can use custom rejection reasons:
Add a custom rejection reason that uses a predefined key.
The following are the predefined keys that can be used:
NAI - for documents that are not an invoice
PIX - for documents requiring the PIX Correction activity
GEN - for documents requiring a re-scan
CHN - for documents that are Chinese VAT invoices.
For example, create a new rejection reason that will re-scan a document by entering the GEN key and providing your own text such as "Missing pages. "
If a 7-page document is scanned, but only 5 pages appear to be present, users can select the "[GEN] Missing pages" rejection reason. This information is passed on along with the rejected document so that the issue can be cleared up by another user.
Add a custom rejection reason that uses a custom key.
For example, set the Key to CUST and then set the Display to Missing Attachments.
Ensure that you exclude the square brackets ([Key]) around the key when adding a rejection reason.
The square brackets however, are added back and displayed to the user during production.
When using a custom key, ensure that the IP Custom Rejected Documents variable is set to TRUE and configure the Customized IP Reject Documents process that carries out specific business logic when the "[CUST] Missing Attachments" rejection reason is selected during processing.
If a key is not recognized or not defined, the [GEN] key is used as a fallback during production.
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