Assign roles to a Business Unit

By default, KTA Groups are created and roles are mapped for new business units automatically. You can select other KTA Groups for roles for this business unit by following these steps:

  1. Open the Kofax AP Agility Work Queue as an Administrator.
  2. On the Settings menu, click Organizations.

    The Organizations are displayed.

  3. Select an organization from the list by clicking on its Organization Name.

    The organization details for the selected organization are displayed.

  4. Click on the Business Units tab.

    The Organization - Business Unit tab is displayed.

  5. Click on the Business Unit Name link where you are assigning roles.

    The Business Unit: New or Edit window is displayed.

  6. Click Role Assignments.

    The Role Assignments window is displayed.

  7. In the Role Assignments window, for each of the listed roles, select the following:
    1. Select the Associated Group.

      This list of user groups comes from Kofax TotalAgility.

    2. Select Increase Priority if you want the users with the associated role to have permission to increase the priority of a invoice.
    3. Select Escalate if you want users with the associated role to have permission to escalate an invoice.
    4. Select Reassign if you want users with the associated role to have permission to reassign an invoice.
    5. Select Reassign All if you use Kofax Analytics for TotalAgility and you want to include when a user selects an invoice that is assigned to another user or group in a report.
  8. Click Save.

    The window is closed and you are returned to the Business Unit: New or Edit window.