Document rejection

If an Validation activity user cannot process an invoice, but it fits into the scenarios covered by rejection reasons, the user can reject the document so that it does not impede further processing. These rejection reasons are configured in the Settings > Invoice Processing > Global Settings > Rejection Reasons.

For example, if an invoice is illegible, blank, or not an invoice at all, there is no point selecting an invalid reason. This is because none of the invalid reasons can handle these situations, so as an alternative, the user can reject the document. Once rejected, the document is sent to a process that deals with the problem associated with the selected rejection reason.

By default, the following rejection reasons are configured:

  • [NAI] This is not an invoice

  • [PIX] Document requires PIX Correction activity

  • [GEN] Scan quality issue

  • [GEN] Document needs to be re-scanned

  • [GEN] Document not legible

  • [CHN] Document is a Chinese VAT document

These default reasons are prefixed with a key and there is a pre-defined Kofax TotalAgility process for each key.

By default, the [NAI] key has a dummy profile defined only. This enables you to customize the behavior of a rejected [NAI] document for your specific needs. For example, you can configure a process to delete a document flagged as [NAI]. Alternatively, you can configure a process that moves the [NAI] document to a specific workflow activity or save it in a database. For more information on configuring a process, see the TotalAgility Designer Help.

Selecting the [PIX] key sends a document to the PIX Correction activity. An operator, different from the Validation activity user, corrects the mapping and then sends the document back for further processing. This rejection reason is disabled by default. If your solution is using PIX, then activate this rejection reason so that a Validation activity user can indicate when the PIX mapping is either incorrect or incomplete. It is recommended to select the [PIX] reason when the GENERATED FROM XML stamp is on the document and the fields are populated with the incorrect data.

Selecting the [GEN] key sends a document to a special Re-Scan process. Here, a new job is created where the user can perform tasks to ensure that the document is successfully processed. For example, users can unreject the document, delete a page, or even replace a page. After this step is complete, the documents are sent to a new job, where Kofax AP Agility treats them as if they were just scanned, and they are processed like any other Invoice Processing job.

Selecting the [CHN] key sends the document back to the Transformation Server where automatic classification is skipped because the invoice is assigned to the InvoicesCN class already. The document is then re-extracted and sent to the Validation activity once more. This rejection reason is disabled by default. Set this rejection reason to active if you are processing Chinese invoices.

Any unknown or unhandled key is treated like the [GEN] key.

You can add new custom rejection reasons and edit or delete other custom rejection reasons.

You cannot delete any of the predefined rejection reasons and you can only edit the translations for predefined rejection reasons. You can however, edit or delete custom rejection reasons.

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