Add user exit business rule using a template

To simplify user exit business rule creation several templates are available so that you can create a copy of the template for your own needs. These templates contain all of the necessary variables but no real logic.

In the TotalAgility Designer navigate to Workflow > Business rules and then set the Category to InvoiceProcessingAgility.

Amongst the other InvoiceProcessingAgility business rules, the following user exit business rule templates are available:

  • AfterValidateTemplate

  • BeforeValidateTemplate

  • FieldValidateTemplate

  • POVendorValidateTemplate

You can add a user exit business rule using a template by following these steps:

  1. Launch the TotalAgility Designer.
  2. Navigate to Workflow > Business rules.
  3. From the Category list, select InvoiceProcessingAgility.

    A list of business processes relevant to AP Agility Invoice Processing is displayed.

  4. Locate the validate template that you want to use and click on the menu icon to the right and select Copy.

    A copy of the business rule is created.

  5. Click on the new business rule and edit is as required.

    For more information on business rules, see the TotalAgility Designer Help.

  6. When you are finished editing the business rule, Save your changes and then click Release.

    Your business rule is ready for use.