Access to WBS element data

You can create a CDS view that accesses your WBS data on the tenant by following these steps:

  1. Open the Custom CDS Views app.
  2. Click Create and create a new CDS view with the following settings:
    • Label: WBSElements

    • Name: YY1_WBSElements

    • Scenario: External API

  3. Configure the CDS view as follows:
    • Data Sources: I_WBSElementBasicData as primary data source

    • Parameters: Leave this empty

    • Elements: Preserve or add

      • WBSElementInternalID

      • WBSElement

      • WBSDesription

      • CompanyCode

      • WBSElementId as Calculation, using CONCAT(I_WBSElementBasicData.CompanyCode, I_WBSElementBasicData.WBSElement)

    • Element Properties: Leave all values unchanged

    • Filter: Leave all values unchanged

    • Click Publish.

  4. Open the Custom Communication Scenario app and create a communication scenario.

    Add YY1_WBSElements_CDS. Create a communication arrangement for this scenario for the Kofax AP Agility communication user.