Configure the measurement conversion adjustments

When exporting line items, the unit of measure passed for a paired line item is always the one that is lifted from the purchase order line. This is typically mandated by the downstream ERP system. Therefore, if the invoice and the purchase order units differ, then Kofax AP Agility needs to express the quantity in the purchase order unit of measure. This prevents the wrong quantity being booked.

You can configure measurement conversion adjustments, by following these steps:

  1. Using the menu, navigate to Settings > Invoice Processing > Capture Profiles > Line Pairing Settings.
  2. Ensure that Do Line Pairing is selected.

    Additional settings are displayed.

  3. Select UOM Check.

    An additional unit of measure setting is displayed.

  4. For a system with a purchase order line that has an order unit of measure as well as a price unit of measure, select PUOM Check.
  5. Save your changes.