Configure AP Purge Database Tables process

If you want to use the purge behavior in the Settings > Administration > DB Management tab it is necessary to activate and then configure the AP Purge Database Tables process. This purge process ensures that your database tables do not contain data that is no longer relevant or grow too large.

This is different to cleaning up the ERP mater data.

You can configure the AP Purge Database Tables process by following these steps:

  1. Log on to TotalAgility Designer as an Administrator.
  2. On the menu, select System > Job schedules.

    A list of job schedules is displayed for the default category.

  3. From the Category list, select AP Agility.

    A list of job schedules is displayed for the AP Agility category.

  4. Select the AP Purge Database Tables process.

    When prompted, select Yes to lock the job schedule.

    The AP Purge Database Tables process is displayed in the Edit job schedule window.

  5. Select Active.
  6. Configure the settings in the Schedule group so that the database tables are purged regularly.

    When the AP Purge Database Tables process runs, and Automatic Purging is configured for one or more of the database table groups on the DB Management tab, then any records that are older than the configured number of days are removed from the database tables.