Extraction testing in the Transformation Designer

Extraction results are the basis of any solution, so it makes sense to test your extraction results when designing a solution.

However, when testing in Transformation Designer, the SQL database connection from Kofax TotalAgility is not always available. By default, the connection is configured to use localhost and integrated security. If you have the database on a separate server or authentication requires users to enter their username and password, then it is necessary to make some changes to the project script.

You can edit the project script to ensure that extraction testing is possible in the Transformation Designer by following these steps:

  1. Open the IP_CFG_SQL table in the APAgility database and then copy both the connection string and the encrypted password for the AP Agility connection to a notepad.
  2. Open the InvoiceProcessingAgility project in the Transformation Designer.
  3. On the Project Tree, select the Project Class.
    The Project Class details are displayed.
  4. Right-click on the Project Class and select Show Script from the context menu.
    The Script Code window is displayed and the Project Script is loaded.
  5. In the script, search for ICAL.Initialize.
    The function is found.
  6. In the ICAL.Initialize function, edit the Else statement using the connection string and encrypted password that you copied earlier. Use the following format.

    ICAL.Initialize(Project, "connectionString", "encryptedPassword", False)

    If there is no encrypted password, leave this blank. For example, "".

  7. Save the script.

    You can now test extraction within Transformation Designer.

    For more information on extraction testing and testing in general, refer to the Transformation Designer Help.