Test import settings file parsing

The Import Settings define how a filename is parsed so that this information is available for downstream processing.

For example, if you have COMPONENT1 and COMPONENT2 configured for URN and Organization ID respectively, you can test a file called 5_128739.tif to see if it successfully maps 5 to COMPONENT1 and 128739 to COMPONENT2.

You can test your import settings against a specified file name by following these steps:

  1. Open Kofax AP Agility with Administrative permissions.
  2. On the menu, select Settings > Invoice Processing > Global Settings > Import Settings.

    A list of fields and file name mappings is displayed.

  3. At the bottom of the page, click Test.

    The Test Import Settings window is displayed.

  4. In the Test Import Settings window, enter a File Name and then click Test.

    The Component and Value based on the entered file name are displayed based on the Import Settings mapping.

  5. Optionally, test another file name.
  6. Close the window.

    The window closes and you are returned to the Import Settings.