Test import settings file parsing
The Import Settings define how a filename is parsed so that this information is available for downstream processing.
For example, if you have COMPONENT1 and COMPONENT2 configured for URN and Organization ID respectively, you can test a file called 5_128739.tif to see if it successfully maps 5 to COMPONENT1 and 128739 to COMPONENT2.
You can test your import settings against a specified file name by following these steps:
- Open Kofax AP Agility with Administrative permissions.
On the menu, select
Settings > Invoice Processing > Global
Settings > Import Settings.
A list of fields and file name mappings is displayed.
At the bottom of the page, click
The Test Import Settings window is displayed.
In the Test Import Settings window, enter a
File Name and then click
The Component and Value based on the entered file name are displayed based on the Import Settings mapping.
- Optionally, test another file name.
Close the window.
The window closes and you are returned to the Import Settings.