Administration in an Azure environment

The Administration page in an Azure environment differs from that in a typical environment. The following settings are available in an Azure environment.

AP Agility Database

The following setting is available to configure the AP Agility database:



Connection String

This is the connection string needed to connect to the Kofax AP Agility configuration database.

Use the following button to manage your database connection string:



Save Database Settings

Saves any changes made to the Kofax AP Agility configuration database settings and updates the Kofax TotalAgility server variables.


The following settings are available to view and manage licensing:



Invoice Processing license

Indicates if the Invoice Processing functionality of Kofax AP Agility is licensed. If a license is available, you can add invoices using the Scan activity or process invoices using the Validation activity, the Line Pairing Correction activity, or the PIX Correction activity. You can process invoices as long as they are scanned before the license expires.

When this Invoice Processing license is not available, the following functionality is not supported.

  • The Scan activity does not include any organizations, so cannot be used

  • Any jobs created using file or email import are suspended without processing

  • You cannot create or update an organization

AP Agility Workflow license

Indicates if the AP Agility Workflowfunctionality of Kofax AP Agility is licensed. If a license is available, you can process invoices using the Coding activity, the Approval activity, the Exception activity, the Line Pairing Exception activity, the Comment Request activity, or the Hold activity. You can process invoices as long as they are scanned before the license expires.

When the AP Agility Workflow license is not available, the following functionality is not supported.

  • You cannot create or update an organization that includes the AP Agility Workflow

  • You cannot start a job in the AP Agility Workflow

Use the following button to restart jobs that may be suspended due to issues with licensing:



Restart Jobs

Click to restart the LICENSEUPDATE event and restart any jobs that may have stopped due to a missing license.


Use these settings to configure how Kofax AP Agility logging behaves for your installation. This group has the following values.



Log level

Choose a log level from one of the following values.

  • Error.

    Records error events.

  • Warning.

    Records potentially harmful situations.

  • Info.

    Records informational messages that highlight the progress of the application at a detailed level. (Default)

  • Debug.

    Records fine-grained informational events that are used to troubleshoot and debug the application.

  • Trace.

    Records tracing information such as database queries and results for deeper analysis during troubleshooting.

  • None.

    Records no log entries at all.

Log files are generated based on the level of logging selected here.

Use the following button to manage your logging settings:



Save Logging Settings

Saves any changes made to the logging settings.