Configure WEEE registration extraction profile

Now that you have all of the capture profiles and organizations in place, it is time to configure the individual fields to extract data. In this example, you are extracting the WEEE registration number. These registration numbers are typically comprised of a two-character country code followed by 6 to 8 digits. For this example, we will stick to English and German.

For this example, it assumes that you have created the example organizations and custom profiles. If this is not the case, the organization and capture profile numbers may differ from your solution.

You can configure your profiles to extract the WEEE registration number by following these steps:

  1. Using the menu, navigate to Settings > Invoice Processing > Global Settings > Custom Extraction Profiles > Extraction Profiles.
  2. Select an Extraction Profile and click Copy.
    The Extraction Profile - New window is displayed.
  3. Edit the fields as necessary and click Save.
  4. Navigate to the Settings > Invoice Processing > Global Settings > Custom Extraction Profiles > Analysis Profiles.
  5. Select the default Analysis Profile and click Copy.
    The Analysis Profile - New window is displayed.
  6. Select Simple from the Compare Type list.
  7. Enter EN#[6-8] into the Format field.
  8. Enter .,; into the Ignore Characters field.
    This means that these characters are ignored and not included in the extracted value.
  9. Click Save.

    The English analysis profile is added to the list.

  10. Once again, select the default Analysis Profile and click Copy.
    The Analysis Profile - New window is displayed.
  11. Select Simple from the Compare Type list.
  12. Enter DE#[6-8] into the Format field.
    If you have multiple languages, you can use a different Compare Type and enter a more complicated format. For example, use Regular to enter a complicated regular expression.
  13. Enter .,; into the Ignore Characters field.
    This means that these characters are ignored and not included in the extracted value.
  14. Click Save.

    The German analysis profile is added to the list.

  15. Navigate to the Settings > Invoice Processing > Global Settings > Custom Extraction Profiles > Evaluation Profiles.
  16. Select the default Evaluation Profile and click Copy.
    The Evaluation Profile - New window is displayed.
  17. Enter WEEERegNo into the Context field.
  18. Enter .,; into the Ignore Characters field.
  19. Leave the Strong field cleared.
  20. Click Save.

    The evaluation profile is added to the list.

  21. Navigate to Settings > Invoice Processing > Capture Profiles > Field Settings.
    Ensure that you select the correct capture profile. In this example, the capture profile was configured previously.

    A table of fields and their settings are displayed.

  22. Scroll down the list of fields until you find Custom 1, and select Active.
  23. Scroll all the way to the right, and select 2 for the Extraction Profile ID.
  24. Click Save.
    The Custom 1 field that extracts the WEEE registration number name is now configured for capture profile 2 and organization 3.