Tax table access sequence
At runtime, Kofax AP Agility uses an access sequence to interrogate the tax table in order to find the correct tax code for each invoice line.
This step is not carried out if Kofax AP Agility is configured to use the purchase order line tax code in all cases, and that tax code is populated. It is also not carried out if the tax table is not populated with any entries relating to the country of the invoice company code.
In the following sequence, Kofax AP Agility starts from the beginning when attempting to locate the tax code. If it cannot find it in the first step, it proceeds with the subsequent steps until the tax code is located. If the end of the sequence is reached and no tax code is found, the invoice is returned in the Validation activity and the only recourse to the user is to reject the document because it is missing the required tax code.
The sequence to locate the tax code progresses as follows
Check for combination of vendor, material group, ship-to and ship-from.
Check for vendor and combination of ship-to and ship-from.
Check for material number and combination of ship-to and ship-from.
Check for material group and combination of ship-to and ship-from.
Check for combination of percentage, ship-to, ship-from, and service indicator.
Check for combination of ship-to, ship-from, and service indicator.
Check for combination of ship-to, ship-from, and tax percentage.
Check for ship-to and ship-from combination (default tax code for the country).