Create invoice re-match timeout process

In order for you to successfully send invoices automatically for line pairing, it is necessary to create a schedule job so that any invoices that are waiting line pairing are sent after a specified time-out period.

You can create a job schedule that automatically sends waiting invoices for line pairing after a time-out period by following these steps:

  1. Launch the TotalAgility Designer.
  2. On the menu, select System > Job schedules

    The Job schedules page is displayed for the default category.

  3. Change the Category AP Agility.

    A list of job schedules for the AP Agility category is displayed.

  4. Click New.

    The New job schedule window is displayed.

  5. In the Name field, enter a name for the scheduled job. For example, Check Timeout for Waiting Invoices.
  6. From the Category list, select AP Agility.
  7. Ensure that Active is selected.
  8. From the Process list, select the AP Agility and then select the Check Timeout for Waiting Invoices process.
  9. For the Schedule group, set a schedule based on your needs.

    The frequency depends on your business requirements and how the ERP Data Load is scheduled.

    For example, if the ERP Data Import is schedule once a day, then the frequency of checking for timed-out invoices should also be set to 1 day.

  10. Click Save.

    The process is saved and the new job schedule is displayed in the list.