Tax code special cases
The tax table provides functionality for handling special cases where a specific tax code is required.
The table permits the user to perform the following actions.
Allocate a specific tax code to a specific vendor irrespective of the type of transaction and the rate of tax charged.
Allocate a specific tax code for a specific material irrespective of the rate of tax charged.
Allocate a specific tax code for a specific material group irrespective of the rate of tax charged. This can be used in instances where the tax against an individual invoice is not VAT reclaimable, or only partially reclaimable. For example, when all goods and services provided by vendor 12345 are only 50% VAT reclaimable, then a 50% VAT reclaimable tax code (VR) must always be used.
The corresponding tax table entry should appear as indicated in the following table.
Country |
TaxCode |
VendorID |
ShipTo |
Ship From |
Service |
Material Group |
Material No |
Percentage |
GB |
VR |
0000012345 |
GB |
GB |
X |
999 |
By creating entries that include a combination of the vendor, material number and the material group, these instances can be handled as the access sequence checks for these entries before selecting a tax code based solely on the type of transaction (for example, service) and the tax rate.
It is also possible to leave the tax code column blank for such special cases which must always force those invoices to exception in a downstream process for someone to review.
For all entries in the tax table relating to special cases, the ship-to and ship-from countries must continue to be populated.