Backend browsing
Backend browsing lets users browse and select a destination folder to upload a document.
The term "folder" is used here in a general sense. Different backend system may use different, but similar terms, for example "directory", "label", "category" or "container".
Administrators can configure the capture components for backend browsing through the standard configuration UI of the components by adding a backend browser field to the form.
The name of the field is used by the capture component to generate an RRT. This RRT contains the folder selected by the user during the document capture. The selection is available only through this RRT. The route or process component, which was used to select the folder, will not automatically use the selected value for document storage. It must be configured using the RRT so that the path selection takes effect when routing the document.
Currently, the backend browser field supports only the backend to browse property.
When the properties panel opens, the workflow is examined. Each route and process component in the task is checked if it supports backend browsing. If it does, it is added to the list of available backends to browse. If the workflow contains multiple route and process components that support backend browsing, each show up in the list. If there is no such component, the list remains empty, and backend browsing is not possible in the given task.
If the field is added to the form, but it is not configured, a warning ""<Field name>" field is not configured." is displayed.
Usually, the folder browsing window has a field displaying the currently selected folder and a Browse button to change the folder. If the user clicks on the Browse button, a new window is displayed to select a folder.
Initially, the list shows the root level folders. If the user clicks on a folder, the application navigates into the selected folder and the list shows children of the currently selected sub-folder. Wherever it is possible to navigate into the parent folder, the list shows an extra .. at the top.
When navigating to a folder, the following happens:
- the list is updated to show the subfolders at the current level
- the Filter field is reset to blank
- the Path displays the current folder
The folder list shows a limited number of items. Users need to refine the search by entering a filter text into the Filter field. Only those folders are displayed that start with the filter string.
Once the desired folder is selected, click OK to close the folder selection window.
The following limitations apply for backend browser type fields:
Folder browsing is supported by the following components:
- iManage Work
- Send to Folder
QuickCapture Pro degrades gracefully when a workflow with a Folder Browser type field is selected. It does not support folder browsing.
Impersonation is not supported. The capture components do not ask for user credentials before initiating the browsing.
Folder browsing is not supported if the capture and route components are not in the same task.
Backend browsing cannot be used if the components are used within Multi Router configuration.