Using templates for uninstallation

In the same manner that Templates were created and applied to facilitate installation of Chai DSE, OXPd:Workflow and Authentication Agent components, Templates can be used to uninstall Chai DSE, OXPd:Workflow and Authentication Agent components.  It is important to note, when applying uninstallation Templates, uninstallation must occur in the following order 1) Authentication Agent (if authentication is used on the device), 2) OXPd:Workflow, and finally 3) Chai DSE.  Ensure that each component has been successfully uninstalled before moving on to the next component.

Once the templates have been created for Chai DSE, OXPd:Workflow, and Authentication Agent, they can be applied in a similar manner as Installation Templates are applied.  Again, it is important to note, when applying uninstallation Templates, uninstallation must be completed in the following order: 1) Authentication Agent (if authentication is used on the device), 2) OXPd:Workflow and finally 3) Chai DSE.  Ensure that each component has been successfully uninstalled before moving on to the next component.

Uninstall Authentication Agent

  1. In the left panel, under Solutions, select Templates.
    This opens Solution Templates in the right panel where templates can be created, applied, edited, deleted or copied.
  2. Click Create.
    This will open the Create Solution Template window.
  3. Removing an installation against a large number of devices can take several hours. In order to minimize downtime, removal can be scheduled to occur during non-peak periods by selecting the Schedule option.

  4. Select Remove, and then click Next.
  5. Select Authentication Agent files to be removed when using the template.
    Templates have the capability of removing several Authentication Agent files at one time, so if all Authentication Agent files must be removed, select all versions of AutoStore Auth Agent.
  6. Ensure Show versions (Advanced) is selected.
  7. Click Next.
  8. In the Create Solution Template window, specify a name for the template and Click Next.
  9. Click Create Template.
    If the procedure is successful, the message Template was saved successfully will be displayed.

Uninstall OXPd:Workflow

  1. In the left panel, under Solutions, select Templates.
    This opens Solution Templates in the right panel where templates can be created, applied, edited, deleted or copied.
  2. Click Create.
    This will open the Create Solution Template window.
  3. Removing an installation against a large number of devices can take several hours. In order to minimize downtime, removal can be scheduled to occur to occur during non-peak periods by selecting the Schedule option.

  4. Select Remove, and click Next.
  5. Select OXPd: Workflow
    The file will be removed when using the template.
  6. Click Next.
  7. In the Create Solution Template window, specify a name for the template and Click Next.
  8. In the next window click Create Template.
If this procedure is successful, the message Template was saved successfully will be displayed.

Uninstall Chai DSE

  1. In the left panel, under Solutions, select Templates.
    This opens Solution Templates in the right panel where templates can be created, applied, edited, deleted or copied.
  2. Select Create.
    This will open the Create Solution Template window.
  3. Removing an installation against a large number of devices can take several hours. In order to minimize downtime, removal can be scheduled to occur during non-peak periods by selecting the Schedule option.

  4. Click Remove, and then click Next.
  5. Select Chai Digital Send Enablers-V.4.3.0, and click Next.
    The file will be removed when using the template.
  6. In the next window click Create Template.
If the procedure is successful, the message Template was saved successfully will be displayed.