Configuring the Watermark component

Use the following Watermark otions to identify the type and region for the watermark that is being applied.

Option Description
No watermark Choose this option if you do not want watermarking for a specific route. This option is used to activate or inactivate this component within a process.

For example if you are using MFP device with multiple configuration routes, you may enable/disable watermarking for specific routes.

Image watermark Choose this option if you would like to use an image such as a company logo as the watermark.

After choosing this option, click the Select File button to choose the image file.

Text watermark Choose this option if you would like to use a text such as "Confidential" or "Do Not Copy" as the watermark.

After choosing this option, enter the watermark text in the text box. Click the Select Font button to configure the font settings.

Fail job on error Select this check box to reject a job when the component fails to process input files. All the documents in the job will be rejected if the component fails to process any input file. If this check box is not selected the component will skip the failed file and continue the job.
Fill type The watermark text or image can either be Stretched or Tiled to fill the target document or a defined document region.
Region If a region is defined for the target document, the watermark is applied to the region, not to the whole document.
Unit type Specifies the unit type as millimeters or hundredths of an inch (inches/100) for the region.
Coordinates You can specify the coordinates of where the watermark is applied.

Click the browse button (...) to locate the image and open the image file in the Region Rectangle image view. In the image view, click and drag to define the region coordinates for the watermark, then click OK.