Advanced Tab

Use options in this dialog box to configure the output of OPBinder component in a workflow.

Option Description
Export scenario Select an export scenario from the list to configure the output:
  • Balanced
  • Best Image Quality
  • Minimum size
  • Keep Original Quality

The default scenario is Keep Original Quality. All the output scenarios are applicable to TIFF and PDF file types.

Use Mixed Raster Content (MRC) Checking this box allows you to use MRC compressing method to pack images into a hybrid file format.
This checkbox is available only if PDF is selected as the filetype in General tab.
Output version Select an output version from the supported PDF versions.
This field is enabled only if PDF is selected as the filetype in General tab.
Resolution Select a resolution in dpi in case you want a different resolution from the original one.
This field is enabled only if you select an export scenario other than the default export scenario.
Image mode Select the image mode from the list.
This field is enabled only if you select an export scenario other than the default export scenario.