Register an iManage Work application for Token Vault

This topic describes the first configuration task in the process of setting up an AutoStore workflow using modern authentication.

Perform this task through the iManage Help Center.

  1. Contact the iManage Help Center ( and submit a new application registration request.
    The request must contain the following information:
    • The application must be Web type.
    • The Allow Refresh Token option must be on.
    • A list of redirect URIs corresponding to your Token Vault configuration in the following format ‘https://<FQDN>:<port>/callback’ where:
      • FQDN is the Fully Qualified Domain Name of the Token Vault machine.
      • port is the value of HttpsPort setting in the Token Vault appsettings.json configuration file in case of https usage. For example, This URI must be the same as the Redirect URI displayed by Token Vault on the Authorization Provider registration page.

    You should receive a Client ID and Client secret, which corresponds to the newly registered application